Increasing Demand for Prepared and Packaged Food Products to Boost Demand for Thermoformed Plastic Products for Food and Beverage Industry


Thermoformed Plastic Products for Food and Beverage Industry

Thermoformed plastic products for food and beverage industry are unique and advanced form of packaging. Thermoformed plastics are made through a process that imitates the natural process of plastic construction. This is achieved by exposing solid plastic parts to a high-temperature and cold room that is filled with a source of highly-pressurized gas, such as nitrogen or oxygen. The plastic is formed into shape with the assistance of powerful ultrasound technology or a combination of high and low frequency sound waves. The resulting product is durable, strong, and resistant to breakage and of extremely high quality.

Thermoformed plastic parts and packaging are valuable to the food and beverage industry, especially due to increasing demand for prepared and packaged food products. For instance, according to the U.S Department of Agriculture, export of prepared food from U.S. increased from US$ 5, 849 million in 2015 to US$ 6,682 million in 2019.

The need for thermoformed plastic products for food and beverage industry often vary from company to company based upon the size of the product, the location in which it is needed, and many other factors. When a new product is introduced into the market, it is very important for a manufacturer to make custom packaging decisions to ensure its distribution costs are kept to a minimum.

Thermoformed plastic products come in several different forms such as: plastic sheets, plastic plugs, thermoform sheets, thermoform plugs, thermoform sheets, and a variety of other specialized plastic sheeting options. Thermoformed plastics have the unique ability to be formed into many different shapes with the use of different types of tools depending on the manufacturer's specific needs. Some manufacturers may require plastics to be only partially filled and pressed into place, while other manufacturers may not have any requirements on how the plastic is going to be laid out.
