Krill oil is fish oil that has been harvested from an oily, minuscule, shrimp-like marine creature called krill. Many species of whales, dolphins, and other large aquatic animals also eat Krill. In Norwegian, the phrase "krill" means "shrimp food." People often extract the oil from krill and use it as medicine, usually for hypertriglyceridemia, heart disease, and high blood levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream (high cholesterol).
As mentioned above, the use of Krill Oil is for treating conditions like hypertriglyceridity, fatty liver, and heart disease. However, there are several other conditions that may benefit from the oil. Krill Oil is an excellent source of essential fatty acids. It has been shown to lower cholesterol and to regulate blood glucose levels.
Fish oil contains essential fatty acids as well as several antioxidants. Antioxidants reduce the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries. In addition, they help protect the cells lining the inside of the arteries from the build-up of fat, which can be a factor in developing blood clots and plaque, which causes a variety of cardiovascular problems. Thus Krill Oil is the best supplement for preventing cardiovascular disease.
Krill Oil and Fish Oil have much in common. Their fatty acids and vitamin E content are bioavailable. They both have high bioavailability, which means that they can enter the bloodstream quickly. However, bioavailability is only one reason that makes these nutrients useful in a supplement.krill Oil and Fish Oil are both wonderful supplements that should be included in any athlete's diet as Krill Oil and Fish Oil have few known side effects.
Recently, Epion Brands a US-based company announces the launch of Kori Pure Antarctic Krill Oil, a superior source of Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA—essential nutrients that support heart, brain, joint, eye, skin, and immune health.
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